Concordia designed two publications for the Foundation for Louisiana to serve as guides for residents to better understand issues regarding urban design and land use. To create these tools, the design team considered the wants and needs of Louisiana residents: What might they need in order to best participate in the planning and decision-making conversations already taking place in their neighborhoods? Simple, accessible language and photos for community members and design professionals alike give all stakeholders a common entry point into the conversation about land use and urban design.

“Foundation for Louisiana believes that residents play a critical role in planning the future of our neighborhoods, towns and cities. The Citizen’s Guide to Land Use and the Citizen’s Guide to Urban Design were created to support the citizen engagement that is essential to equitable growth and development. Natural and man-made disasters have highlighted the necessity for communities to be forward thinking about how to function in a manner that limits risks to people and property while maximizing access to resources and opportunity. The Citizens’ Guides can be used to facilitate and expand dialogue between residents, planners and policymakers on issues impacting the character and future of Louisiana’s communities.” – Foundation for Louisiana