The Florida Public Housing Development, constructed between 1941 and 1946, is comprised of 67 brick buildings on a 26.1 acre site. Concordia was selected to design a master plan and to build Phase I of the revitalization of the development. The master plan focused on designing a concept for the de-densification of the site and the addition of new mixed-income housing. The architectural design for the Florida Housing Development was broken into five separate contracts which were designed and constructed concurrently: (1) a new maintenance building; (2) the renovation of the existing community center; (3) site developmental and infrastructure work; (4) the renovation of 8 existing buildings into 77 townhouse units; and (5) the design of new duplex houses.

Through Concordia’s community-based master planning and design process, the residents determined the direction of the design: separate single-family units with spaces for public socializing. The new residential units connect to the surrounding neighborhood with front porches painted in bright colors. Individual backyards create private space for each residence. Concordia’s community-based design process successfully responded to the criteria established by the residents and neighborhood leaders