Concordia is part of a team that was selected by the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) and the City of New Orleans to redevelop the Iberville Public Housing Project, the last of five major housing redevelopment projects in the city. The City and HANO have been awarded a Choice Neighborhood Initiative grant from the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), and this team has also submitted a Promise Neighborhood grant to the Department of Education.

Concordia is the lead architect and planner for the off-site housing developments, which will comprise approximately 2,500 mixed-income housing units, along with neighborhood retail, recreation and commercial uses. The Choice Neighborhoods Initiative involves a complex network of stakeholders, including regulatory agencies, public housing residents, private developers, neighborhood groups and community members.

Concordia’s primary role for this project is to design and oversee the construction of mixed-use developments that will blend the historic character of New Orleans with new, innovative architecture. The Choice Neighborhood Initiative creates an opportunity to address the challenges facing residents with a comprehensive plan that integrates local, state, federal, and private resources to build a healthy, sustainable community that supports a high quality of life for all citizens and the entire city.