The Cita D. Hubbell Library was built as a Carnegie library in 1907 and suffered wind damage from Hurricane Katrina to the historic roof and windows. Concordia outlined necessary repairs and also proposed additional improvements, focusing on environmental sustainability, hurricane resistance, and suggestions from library staff. Concordia also worked with the structural engineers to determine that the existing attic structure and roof could be safely repaired for a much lower cost than replacement, saving the City hundreds of thousands of dollars. The design brings the library into the 21st century, and also preserves the historic architectural and site features.

Concordia advocated for sustainable features such as a new vestibule entry, energy efficient HVAC systems and lighting, finishes with recycled and low VOC content, bike racks, a rain garden, secure fencing, and removable hurricane protection screens for the large windows. Original heavy timber trusses in the attic were repaired, and a new circulation desk along with new storage space and safer roof access were provided for staff. Interior finish materials and colors reinterpret historic elements in a contemporary way.