Concordia was hired by the San Antonio Independent School District, in partnership with SAHA and United Way, to engage the community in transforming, Wheatley Middle School into a community school and nexus for community life.

Concordia designed and executed an engagement process that built off of years of previous research and engagement efforts. Through a three meeting process, the community selected programming, made recommendations about time and space utilization, and opted in to support community school programming by acting as volunteers, staff, and organizers of programming. The results of these efforts will be a document that guides the stakeholder team through the process of creating a community school, with programming recommendations, instruction for future engagement, and phase guidelines.

“I hope you and Steven know how much you influence the shaping of the Wheatley Community School, not only within the Eastside Promise Zone, but in Bexar County. With the guidance of Dr. Herring, the WCS now has a true voice in the community. Again, for me, the ground work for this current success was laid by Concordia.” - Darnell McLaurin (Director of Community Outreach; San Antonio School District and Facilitator, Eastside Promise Neighborhood (EPN)